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Die Institution (desde 2017 / since 2017)
colaborador e performer / collaborator and performer

Com direção de Melanie Mohren e Bernhard Herbordt, o coletivo Die Institution tem sede na cidade de Stuttgart (Alemanha), no espaço cultural e arquivo de performances Das Schaudepot (desde 2021). A dupla de artistas Jorge Alencar e Neto Machado vem participando da criação e realização de performances como Das Festival (2019), Die Gesellschaft (2021) e Die Versammlung (2022) todas em parceria com o Theater Rampe.

'Das Schaudepot’ recebeu o Prêmio Der Faust 2022 (Alemanha).

Directed by Melanie Mohren and Bernhard Herbordt, the collective Die Institution is based in the city of Stuttgart (Germany), in the cultural space and performance archive Das Schaudepot (since 2021). The duo of artists Jorge Alencar and Neto Machado has been participating in the creation and realization of performances such as Das Festival (2019), Die Gesellschaft (2021) and Die Versammlung (2022), all in partnership with Theater Rampe.

‘Das Schaudepot’ received the Der Faust Prize 2022 (Germany).

  • Die Institution
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