Die Institution (desde 2017 / since 2017)
colaborador e performer / collaborator and performer
Jorge Alencar e Neto Machado participam da criação e da performance de diversos trabalhos com direção de Melanie Mohren e Bernhard Herbordt (Die Institution, Stuttgart, Alemanha) como: Das Festival (2019), Die Gesellschaft (2021), Die Versammlung (2022), Die Kinderbibliothek / A Biblioteca das Crianças (2024), realizados em parceria pelo o arquivo de performances Das Schaudepot e pelo Theater Rampe. Das Schaudepot’ recebeu o Prêmio Der Faust 2022 (Alemanha).
Jorge Alencar and Neto Machado participate in the creation and performance of several works directed by Melanie Mohren and Bernhard Herbordt (Die Institution, Stuttgart, Germany) such as: Das Festival (2019), Die Gesellschaft (2021), Die Versammlung (2022), Die Kinderbibliothek / The Children's Library (2024), produced in partnership by the performance archive Das Schaudepot and Theater Rampe. ‘Das Schaudepot’ received the Der Faust Prize 2022 (Germany).
Foto Dominique Brewing.
Foto Dominique Brewing.
Foto Dominique Brewing.
Foto Dominique Brewing.